Alcomex se complace en ampliar su gama de productos con muelles de hoja plana.

Spring hinges, self-retracting devices, seat belts, fall arresters, seat tippers, cable retractors, timers, but also use in children’s toys as ecological alternatives to batteries. This is just a brief list of a large number of uses of a separate group of coil springs made of flat (most often rolled carbon steel or high-strength stainless steel) tape. This group includes clock springs, constant force springs and power springs.

The construction of these three types of springs is visually similar. However, in terms of functionality and application, the springs are fundamentally different. The clock springs with space between the individual turns work without any contact between the threads. The developed force increases during winding and decreases during unwinding. Very often the working range is only within one coil turn. Conversely, constant force springs and power springs are tightly wound on each other and the force is created by partial or complete unrolling. 

There are very few companies that can produce these springs. Not only the production itself is demanding. However, the manufacturer must also have strong technical know-how and the ability to provide the customer with the necessary technical support, often starting at an early stage of the customer’s idea or development. And very often it is not just the production of the coil spring itself. Part of the development, production and delivery is also assembly into various types of housings in which the springs are located and work in them.

One of our brand new production plants focuses on the production of these coil flat springs. State-of-the-art production technologies are complemented by a large R&D team, and the considerable logistics capabilities within our large Lesjöfors group allow the springs to be delivered worldwide. Take a look at our flat strip springs.